I haven't done a post like this in a while, but with all of the craziness in the world, it was time to look at something funny. Apparently, Sweden is going to extraordinary measures to deal with their immigration problems (Muslim refugees), and are ready to send in the clowns! The organization is called "Clowns Without Borders" (CWB), and it is a real organization. They have been doing this since 1996, and are about to spend another 25 million kronor to help refugee children get a monthly smile! According to Ayatollah Khomeini (former supreme leader of Iran) this is how he feels about fun and laughter, “Allah,” declared Khomeini, “did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.” I'm going out on a limb here and say clowns aren't a big part of Islam.
Alright, enough clowning around with Sweden, MLMs are still around, and they are running very profitable circuses they call "functions". Let's break down these "functions", "seminars", "gatherings", and "meetings" for what they really are, glorified circus acts that are bringing in big dollars based on entertaining a vulnerable and captive audience.
1. Circuses and "Functions" are entertainment exhibitions - They both have a series of acts that bring laughter and escapism from the daily routine. They don't offer anything in the form of a solution for a brighter future. They both have loud music, dynamic lighting, and large energy.
2. Circuses and "Functions" are illusions - They both have magic acts, but circuses, unlike "functions", tell you in advance that they are trying to deceive you. The circus will have a magician come out and perform a series of tricks, while a diamond, or other high ranking status symbol, will lie to MLMers about a lifestyle they will never achieve as they extract dollars through routine purchases of tools and unsaleable products.
3. Circuses and "Functions" are superficial - There is no depth to their shows, and after leaving, you are not a better person. Instead of watching slapstick comedy from clowns, you are watching an elementary level public speaker tell jokes about "J-O-B's" and "Firing Bosses". Instead of watching animal acts, you are watching videos of high ranking members and their proverbial cages. Instead of watching a highly dangerous act, such as sword swallowing or the human cannonball, you are watching an 80 year evangelical preacher fly around on stage and acting crazed.

High ranking MLMers may look, dress, and sound differently from clowns, but the message is still the same. Give them some money and get distracted for a brief period of time. Turn off your brain, and remove yourself from the world. Live in the present moment and forget responsibility.
Clowns being sent to help Muslim refugees is as logical as MLMers giving financial advice. MLMers don't know anything about running a business, they don't know anything about taxes, they don't know anything about saving money for the future, they don't know anything about investing. You wouldn't trust a clown to give you life lessons, therefore don't trust a MLMer with your financial future.
Source: http://dailywesterner.com/news/2017-07-20/sweden-deals-with-muslim-integration-by-sending-in-the-clowns/
Alright, enough clowning around with Sweden, MLMs are still around, and they are running very profitable circuses they call "functions". Let's break down these "functions", "seminars", "gatherings", and "meetings" for what they really are, glorified circus acts that are bringing in big dollars based on entertaining a vulnerable and captive audience.
1. Circuses and "Functions" are entertainment exhibitions - They both have a series of acts that bring laughter and escapism from the daily routine. They don't offer anything in the form of a solution for a brighter future. They both have loud music, dynamic lighting, and large energy.
2. Circuses and "Functions" are illusions - They both have magic acts, but circuses, unlike "functions", tell you in advance that they are trying to deceive you. The circus will have a magician come out and perform a series of tricks, while a diamond, or other high ranking status symbol, will lie to MLMers about a lifestyle they will never achieve as they extract dollars through routine purchases of tools and unsaleable products.
3. Circuses and "Functions" are superficial - There is no depth to their shows, and after leaving, you are not a better person. Instead of watching slapstick comedy from clowns, you are watching an elementary level public speaker tell jokes about "J-O-B's" and "Firing Bosses". Instead of watching animal acts, you are watching videos of high ranking members and their proverbial cages. Instead of watching a highly dangerous act, such as sword swallowing or the human cannonball, you are watching an 80 year evangelical preacher fly around on stage and acting crazed.
High ranking MLMers may look, dress, and sound differently from clowns, but the message is still the same. Give them some money and get distracted for a brief period of time. Turn off your brain, and remove yourself from the world. Live in the present moment and forget responsibility.
Clowns being sent to help Muslim refugees is as logical as MLMers giving financial advice. MLMers don't know anything about running a business, they don't know anything about taxes, they don't know anything about saving money for the future, they don't know anything about investing. You wouldn't trust a clown to give you life lessons, therefore don't trust a MLMer with your financial future.
Source: http://dailywesterner.com/news/2017-07-20/sweden-deals-with-muslim-integration-by-sending-in-the-clowns/